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Frequently asked questions about TransportationCamp DC

TransportationCamp DC is coming back on Saturday, January 6, 2024 at George Mason University’s Arlington campus. This is an annual opportunity to connect with experts, practitioners, and students all at once. Here’s everything you need to know about the “unconference.”

Shabazz Stuart delivers the keynote speech at TransportationCamp DC 2023.

1. Why is it called an unconference?

At TransportationCamp, every attendee has the opportunity to lead the conversation. Attendees submit topics for 50-minute breakout sessions and in-person Campers get to vote on what they want to talk about, giving the power to participants to create the experience they want to have!

2. Who should come to TCamp?

Everyone! Advocates, practitioners, Complete Streets Champions, politicians, business leaders, and students are all welcome to join and learn from each other.

3. When should I buy tickets?

Tickets are on sale right now! Get yours while spots last.

4. How do I submit sessions?

The process is different depending on whether or not you’re joining us virtually or in person. Here’s what it looks like:

In person: Attendees will submit sessions the morning of Camp and have the chance to vote on what they want to discuss.

Virtual: Attendees must be registered for Camp to submit sessions. Look for the submission form in your confirmation email!

If you plan to attend TCamp on Zoom, virtual-only sessions will play a big part in your experience. The deadline to submit virtual session ideas is December 31—have you submitted your session yet?

5. What do I need to know about leading a session?

We want sessions to feel like a conversation, so we recommend a casual, engaging, and inclusive approach. Breakout rooms at GMU will each have a projector, USB port, a computer if you need to use email to access resources, and a whiteboard with whiteboard markers.

Keep accessibility in mind. 14-point font is best for presentations. Be sure to choose a high-contrast design and, if you’re joining us in person, we’ll have a Google Drive folder available where you can drop your slides for people to view on their personal devices. Keeping these in mind will help ensure that everyone is able to enjoy your presentation.

For more advice on leading a session, please check here.

5. How do I get there?

TransportationCamp will be at Van Metre Hall on George Mason University’s Arlington campus, 3351 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22201.

By bike: Bike parking is available near the front entrance on Fairfax Drive and in the parking garage, located at the rear of the building.

By metro: The closest metro stop is Virginia Square–GMU on the orange and silver line. Exit via Virginia Sq-GMU Metrorail Station at the southwest corner of Fairfax Drive & North Monroe Street, then head north on North Monroe St toward Fairfax Drive.

By car: Route to Founders Way North, Arlington, VA in Google Maps to get directed to the parking garage entrance.

For those joining Camp virtually, make sure [email protected] emails are reaching your inbox. Check your email the morning of Camp for a Zoom link to join, then you can simply tune in by joining a session using the link we attach.

6. Can I volunteer at TransportationCamp?

This year we are unfortunately not able to accept external volunteers. However, we are open to having volunteer tickets available in the future for partnering organizations. If you are part of an organization that would be interested in volunteering at Camp next year, please reach out to us!

7. Is there TransportationCamp near me?

There are TransportationCamps across the country hosted by various organizations! Visit to learn more.

8. Who can I contact for more information?

If you have questions or comments, please email [email protected]. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

The post Frequently asked questions about TransportationCamp DC appeared first on Transportation For America.

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