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Our Serivces
Landscaping & Irrigation Services
Maintaining the current landscaping which included Gardening and Irrigation System
Service Overview
Arabian SAF provides unified Landscaping services to its clients. Will be responsible for maintaining the current landscaping which included Gardening and Irrigation System.
Core Execution
- Maintain the irrigation system in good operating condition.
- Maintain irrigation basins by removing all debris, weeds and blown materials from time to time.
- Flush irrigation end lines from time to time in order to remove any trapped sediments and contaminants.
- Maintain the existing landscaped areas like mowing of lawns, trimming of tree hedges, watering, weeding, cutting, repair and settlement of erosion and reseeding, if necessary, to establish a uniform and healthy standard of plants.
- Spray proper pesticide to prevent damage from plant diseases, insects and weeds
- Keep garden clean from unnecessary material or waste blown in by the wind and dispose of all waste materials in a legal and safe manner and away from the premises.
- Provide proper maintenance for all indoor plants located at offices, building corridors, cafeteria buildings and any other locations inside the building.
- To provide additional indoor plants whenever requested client. Prices shall be according to the size, type, including planter box and should be pre-approved by client for back charges.
- Will be responsible required manpower, fertilizer material, consumable material, transportation and all other items required for the execution of the work and to maintain healthy and growing trees.
- And all other operations related to Gardening & Irrigation
To maintain the high quality of standard a daily inspection will be conducted by Arabian SAF supervisor to ensure full compliance with these standards. To attain the objective, Arabian SAF is having specialized and well qualified Safety Engineers & Safety Supervisor, under its work-force.